South Devon and Dorset Coastal Advisory Group

Dartmouth SpyholeGolden CapTamar BridgeAvon EstuaryEype Beach
Shoreline Management Plan
Coastal Monitoring
DEFRA High Level Targets
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designed and maintained by MGCoast
detail by Coast & Country Projects Ltd

The South Devon and Dorset Coastal Advisory Group (SDADCAG)
The South Devon and Dorset Coastal Authorities' Group (SDADCAG) was ‘formed’ in 2006, an agglomeration of the existing Lyme Bay and South Devon Group founded in 1996 and an area of the Purbeck coastline from Ringstead (West Dorset DC) to Durlston Head, (Purbeck DC).

Initially, the Lyme Bay and South Devon Group covered the coastline between Portland Bill in Dorset and Rame Head in Devon (sub cells 6a, 6b and 6c). The extension which occurred in 2006 for administrative reasons moved the boundary from Portland Bill to Durlston Head (adding sub cell 5g to the group).


This boundary change means that for the second round of Shoreline Management Plans the 2 Plans which covered this area of coastline in the first round will be merged, resulting in a single plan for the Durlston Head to Rame Head coastline; a total of 308km spanning 10 Local authorities. Most of the coastline overseen by the group is ‘open coast’ however the Exe and Teign Estuaries in Devon potentially adds a further substantial distance of shoreline to the group.

Primary Objective of the group
To influence and support members to manage the coast for the benefit of the South Devon and rural Dorset coast.

Secondary Objectives
1. To develop compatible management policies within the cell or sub-cells.
2. To undertaken a collective Strategic Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme for the South West .
3.To work with other Regional Coastal Groups to the benefit of the Nation, the Group and its individual members.
4. To secure the necessary data to enable the Group to meet its primary objective.
5. To ensure that individual members have access to national, regional and local information.
6. To assist DEFRA in the development of national coastal defence policies.


Draft Constitution pdf file - 53.5kb










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